November 13, 2010

Two weeks away from a better life... I hope.

I gave my two weeks notice at work. This is part of a larger plan to move to Los Angeles. I do not have a good plan, and have been told so. I will have to work hard to have a life even as dumb as the one I live now. It will take some very hard work to have something better, or maybe I will be the lucky one, I'm counting on it.
I have a supervisor at work who is doing a lot to help me, what a nice guy. He is making calls on my behalf because he gives a shit. That is different. As I write this I look around this room I've so long occupied and it seems impossible to uproot myself, but necessity will be taking the wheel on this one.
Being alive is silly. I find myself listening to Phish again. Now is not the time for me to be nostalgic and sentimental, but of course it's all I can be. I get these feelings as though I want to cry, but I have no idea what over... I look at photographs of my past and I get the feeling, or when a movie ends... Wasted life, the only thing I could point at is my wasted life. I can hear in my own head right now, "You're young." but I disagree. I used to be younger, and that is all that matters.
So tell me, what is my next move? School? Career? Suicide? Homelessness?
Perhaps all of these, in no particular order.
I am confused, which is a very familiar feeling, I could almost call it comforting. I will not call it comforting. I think confusion is a sign that I am headed in the right direction, or at least moving through life. For the last eight months I have stood still. This existence has been demystified, it's time to move on. I just need to hold on to some things from my past to keep myself somewhat sane, I guess that explains all the Phish.
It's going to be tough for about a month and a half now. I need to build a new life almost from scratch, although I have the human parts already, and no assembly required. Dr. Frankenstein can go now, his work here is done. Everything else will require assembly, and the tools are not included in the box.
Metaphoric and cryptic, I guess some things won't change.

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