February 22, 2011

Being Happy

So you've chosen to be happy.
Just don't get to comfortable with your newfound joy.
It's good to feel as though people care about you, and by "you" I mean me. I can point to four people who genuinely, at least the way I perceive it, care about me. I love them all. I need them all. There is no life without them. For a long time I thought I had to be alone and I was becoming quite content with it at first, but as the time went on I knew it would never work out. It will get you, it will kill you. I will however admit that who I am today has been greatly shaped by loneliness. It has made me a better person, but also much harder to know. "Ask me a question and I will answer you honestly." It is true, but I wouldn't know how to tell you who I am. I guess that is completely normal... It is for you to decide. You can put the puzzle together for yourself, if you are patient. I will certainly finish the puzzle that is you. I will start with the edge pieces and work my way in to your center.
I happen to be a fan of actual jigsaw puzzles. About a year ago I would do puzzles all the time. As I previously stated... Loneliness. I had a problem though, I would start the puzzle and wouldn't stop until it was completed. The same obsessive behavior crosses over to you. Even if it takes all night, I will finish the puzzle. I will be up until morning, but I will see the full picture. I like to see things through to the end, and if there is no end I am never finished.
I have been musically active again, and the smile on my face is so big it has crossed over my cheeks and is spilling onto the floor. This may be the best my life has ever been. Is that true? That may actually be the truth. I have all of the elements right here, mutual care and appreciation and love, music everywhere, creativity, hope for the future to get even better... I just need a job, or better yet a large sum of money for no particular reason.
Hi Dad. Hi Mom. Hey Jenny.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dave! The moment I read the word "puzzle" I wanted to do one. Unfortunately for those who live with me, I don't finish them in one sitting...or two...and this leaves a mess for some time...
