Work. What can I say. I am sore from squatting and facing. I have touched more bottles of booze and packs of cigarettes in the last two days than I have in the last two years. I have very little free time, and the time I do have is spent getting ready for or winding down from work. I'm very bad with names, but in two days I have learned to match faces with a lot of them, Joey and John and Charlie and Reagan and Amy and Hiedi and Dave and Magdy... I have been checking out customers and I can use the computers. I have stocked shelves. I have faced shelves. Eight hours a night you can find me doing these random tasks. It is alright, aside from taking up all of my time. I wish I could exercise more and record more music.
Sleeping has been a little tough too, but not just because I am sleeping all day. I am almost embarassed of the reason. I have trouble falling asleep because I cannot stop thinking about trivial details of my job, for instance, there are a few items in the dental care section that have are supposed to hang on a hook, but the things they hang by are broken and I just want to fix it. Another random thing that kept me up last night, there are promotional cigarette deals displayed on a certain cigarette shelf and I unloaded so much of one, that I could not fit another... How will I fix this? It is annoying to me, because I am investing more of myself into the job than anyone else seems to and there is never a manager thaere with me, at work, or in my head as I try to sleep.
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